For my project on animation, I will be using my roommates and bulldog Eloise as the main characters. Eloise will accidentally eat something off the ground after a party at my house in the scene. She will then start to go on a trip where she hallucinates herself running around the room. I have not figured out all the details of how I am going to have her hallucinating, but it will include different figures of her. There is an artist in Denver that paints trippy and funky bulldogs on the sides of buildings, and I want to use some of his work to inspire the hallucination. The world really does revolve around her, so I want to make that clear in my video. I plan to use different trippy sound effects and recordings of the many noises she makes, like her growling, barking, and loud breathing. At the end of the hallucination, she will wake up, and I will have a video of her jumping up, and all my roommates are there petting her. She will be very confused.
